Jazz Fest Overview

Libro Azul | Progression Brewing Co. | 2022
Friday: Downtown Jazz Strut
Free live jazz all night
Stroll, sip and dine your way through downtown Northampton to the sounds of jazz ensembles at establishments across town. The Jazz Strut features free evening jazz performances in breweries, bars and restaurants throughout downtown Northampton. Each ensemble starts at 30-minute intervals and plays for two hours, so you can be sure to catch a lot of live jazz and good times on Jazz Strut night!
Photo: Ron Smith, Progression Brewery, 2023
Saturday: Jazz Fest Day
Free live jazz all day + a headliner
Jazz Fest Day features a free music lineup of jazz musicians from around the region and across the country performing in a variety of downtown venues throughout the day, followed by a special evening with internationally known artists performing a ticketed concert at the Academy of Music.
Photo: Ron Carter, Academy of Music, 2022